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Really Recovered is more than just a few Sober- minded Houses & a Sunday Church Service, we are FAMILY. Jesus rescued all of us & he wants to do the same for you. We are committed to Jesus & finishing the work he assigned to us, telling others the good news about his wonderful grace. (Acts 20:24)


First Love/ Love First-  Jesus loved us 1st therefore Jesus is our 1st love- we love others 1st
1 John 4:9-10
1 John 4:19
Rev. 2:4-5

Family- People tied to the will of God & tied together with love

Matt. 12:46-50

Col. 2:2

Raw Transparency- Uncut honesty

Psalm 32:2

Luke 11:36

1 Tim. 1:15-16

Humility- Less of me, more of Jesus

John 3:30

Luke 14:11

Prayer- Spending time with Jesus & spending time together with Jesus

Psalm 27:8

2 Chr. 7:14

Power From Heaven- Dependent on the Holy Spirit- EMPOWERED

Eph 1:19-20

Eph. 3:16-17

Urgency- Snatching people from the flames.

2 Thess 1:9

Jude 22-23

Suffering- participating in the suffering of Jesus as his body the church.

Philip. 3:10-11

Really Recovered

Exist to snatch people from the flames through the power of the cross of Jesus Christ.

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